Worship May 7th

This Week at UPA

Worship May 7th

Lessons: Matthew 26:6-13    
Message: Seeing Green

Maybe you’ve noticed that recently our order of worship has made some pretty significant shifts from week to week. You’re not seeing things!  This winter our Worship Board asked the question: how can we integrate all generations of our community in worship and fellowship in ways that are meaningful to all generations? In March met with a Faith Formation expert and brainstormed best practices. Since Easter, we are piloting some of these ideas. Sermon Skits, when appropriate, are one way to make the scripture more available to different learning/listening styles. Additionally, this week, in an attempt to include children for communion while also allowing for continuity in worship and a significant learning experience in Sunday School, we will be doing communion at the front end of our service after which the children will leave worship for Sunday school (in previous months they would leave and then come back for communion).

All of this is to say, we appreciate your patience as we “play” and observe and your feedback too!

On a different note, don’t forget that Membership Board and I are so excited to offer a UPA info session after church this Sunday for those who are considering membership or even those who are just curious about what we do, who we are, and why. As it’s been several years since we’ve brought in new members, I am aware that some of our regular church goers have not yet joined. Please let me know who you are and consider yourselves invited to our session! (scroll down for more information.)

Finally, this Sunday we will continue our Eastertide theme considering some of Brian McLaren’s 13 Biases that often keep us from “seeing” one another fully (and in that seeing the risen Christ in each other and all around us!) This week we’re reading Matthew’s version of “The Woman With the Alabaster Jar” through which we will consider both the Cash and Catastrophe Biases and how they affected the disciple’s ability to both see the divine working through this extraordinary woman AND what was being foretold of Jesus’ death.

See you Sunday!

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