Weekly Worship
A typical worship service includes a greeting, hymns, time for participants to share their stories or concerns, a children’s message, scripture readings, silent prayer and meditation, an offering, a message for adults and instrumental music throughout. We gather after worship for snacks and conversation. This is a great time to catch up with friends, deepen our ties to each other, and get to know new friends. We hope you will join us after worship.
This Week at UPA
Join us online via Facebook Live, Zoom, and In-Person.
August 25th Worship
Scripture: 1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11), 22-30, 41-43Message: A Limitless God I think it’s hard to imagine a limitless God. I preach of a limitless God and the idea of some entity or energy that is omniscient and omnipotent and eternal is wonderful in this finite life. But when it comes down to understanding what all of this means for us, for our relationship with God and our relationship with one another can be mind blowing. And so we build our churches and display our crosses and focus ourselves on the the tangible with the hope of it being enough to stir the spirit. This Sunday we’ll
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no dress code. Most participants dress “business-casual,” but dressier clothing as well as less-formal clothing are also common. We want you to be comfortable in worship.
No. We are sensitive to people who want to worship anonymously and more privately. Visitors are not asked to identify themselves.
Yes. Not all people feel comfortable singing, standing for hymns or giving an offering. Participants are encouraged to do only what feels comfortable and authentic in worship at UPA.
Special Ceremonies
We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month. The meal is open to all people of all ages and denominations. Bread (or gluten-free bread) is dipped into grape juice and eaten as a reminder of the way Jesus wanted to be remembered—as the host of a great banquet of love!
We celebrate the baptism of a person of any age during a Sunday morning service. Infant baptism emphasizes God’s early adoption of us into an inheritance of joy and meaning. Older baptism emphasizes conversion and a new orientation to justice and peace. To schedule a baptism, e-mail the office Administrator Melissa, office@newtonchurch.org
The sanctuary and staff are available to members and non-members for services of marriage. Contact the Office Administrator Melissa, office@newtonchurch.org.
The sanctuary and Betty Meyer Gallery are available at no cost to members and non-members for memorial and funeral services. Contact the Office Administrator Melissa at 617-964-8516.