
Thank you for your gift

To those who are able to support our outreach programs, pay our salaried and hourly staff, reach out to those in need, pay our utilities, and conduct our services online, we sincerely appreciate your support.


Ways To Give

We offer 4 easy ways to donate to United Parish of Auburndale. When giving online or via text, a drop-down menu allows you to choose either the UPA General Fund or our special Easter Offering or both.


We continue to check our mail during this time. You can make out checks to United Parish of Auburndale, 64 Hancock St., Auburndale, MA, 02466.

Bank Transfers

The church to can set up monthly or quarterly transfers for you or Bill Pay programs offered by most banks, or transfers from your investment accounts


This will bring you to our Realm system to make a donation via bank draft or credit card. Note that there is a service fee associated with this service.


You can give via text message by texting UPA (all caps) to 73256.

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