Worship April 16th

This Week at UPA

Worship April 16th

Lessons:  John 20:19-31
Message:  Be Thou My Vision

Welcome to the EASTER SEASON! Because the Good News of the Love of God resurrecting and living eternally is so important to our story we get to celebrate it from now through May 28th, Pentecost! In this light, you’ll notice that I will be engaging Brian McLaren’s 13 Biases (preached on March 19th) from a perspective of helping us “see” the resurrected Christ, the hope it insists upon, and how we might participate in sharing this hope. This Sunday we’ll cover Complexity Bias and Confirmation Bias through the story of our beloved “Doubting Thomas.” If you remember, Thomas was not around (in the gospel of John) when Jesus appeared to the (hiding) disciples and so, when they tell him of this miracle, he refuses to believe it. We tend to believe what is least complicated to understand and what compliments what we already know. A resurrected Jesus is probably the MOST complicated concept for Thomas and for us to wrap our minds around and so often we simply decide we don’t buy it. How might naming this bias and wondering how it plays in our lives and faith shift how we know the divine working in this world? Join us on Sunday to find out!

ADDITIONALLY, THIS SUNDAY!! *** This is so important, friends. I’m sorry for the  last minute announcement but it was the only date Phil could do and we are at the 11th hour of their efforts to affect the new state budget for the sake of housing justice. PLEASE mark your calendars and plan to stay for a while after church!  


Prelude: “Wondrous Love”   Walker’s Southern Harmony, 1843         
Anthem: “Christ the Lord is Risen Again”  13th c. German melody 
Meditation: “Bai”   Dong Hoon Lee             
Postlude: “Fughette in F”  J. S. Bach    

Live Stream Information

We will continue streaming our worship on both Zoom and Facebook Live. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly. For Zoom login information please reach out to Pastor Cheryl at cheryl@newtonchurch.org

Note: that we continue to work on streaming as we make improvements to the sanctuary sound system. 

Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
Facebook Livestream Link: https://www.facebook.com/upanewtonma/live

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