Sunday, August 28th

This Week at UPA

Sunday, August 28th

Lessons: Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14

Message: Belonging

Not gonna lie, I’m not just a little excited to send my beloved, teenaged cherubs back to school in 13 days (I’m counting – that’s who’s counting) It’s been a lovely summer of beaches and bike riding, basketball and ice cream, putting time restrictions on phones and xbox only to have them blown off entirely, driving kids to things and picking kids up from things, breaking up fights and generally having no food in the house because: “I’m bored.” Yes, school and organized time and schedules are just around the corner which also means.

So is UPA’s Welcome Back Sunday! Mark your calendars for Sept. 11th as we celebrate our amazing community. There will be food! There will be joy!  There will be balloons and singing and old and new friends!

This Sunday, the week BEFORE Welcome Back Sunday and to which you should ALSO come, we’ll explore the question of belonging. While every one of us would preach – and truly believes!- radical inclusion at Christ’s table, in this church, and as recipients of justice, a harder question is how we apply that inclusion to ourselves. How quickly we give up the best seat at the table for the person who we perceive is suffering, hurting, hungry, or oppressed but what if that person is us? How much courage and faith does it take to see ourselves as beloved and therefore belonging when the world tells us we are not?

Join us or tune into our livestream this Sunday as we turn the tables on our privilege, recognizing God’s love and welcome that includes our struggles and vices; our regret and shame.

See you Sunday!

Prelude: “Pavana in B-flat”    Thomas Warrock
Meditation: “Gavotte in C”     G. F. Handel
Postlude: “Bishop’s Song”     David White

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