September 11th Worship

This Week at UPA

 September 11th Worship

Scripture:  2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33

IT IS STILL SUMMER! I’m just writing this to soothe those of us who feel this fleeting warmth and respite from the busy-ness that it becomes September through May. It is STILL Summer! And so I want to know, what are the Summer-special things you are doing or will still do in these next few weeks?

For my family this summer has been all about family: shifting family, visiting family, family members playing new roles, family members leaving, and our own family feeling changed. “Family” is a tricky word as it can shift depending on dynamics, living situations, and even new friendships. Early this summer we visited with family in New Jersey seeing my older brother, David, his wife, Gale, and their youngest child, now 15, Jordan. Their 2 oldest daughters are living away from home now, dramatically shifting the dynamic of how they function as a family. It was a joy getting to know their youngest who has often been overshadowed by the older two. Similarly, my kids (and my husband) are all working this summer so, for those days, it was just me and our youngest. “Family” looked a lot different for those four days.

Our scripture this Sunday is a story spelling out the  interestingly complicated relationship between David and his son. David’s son was power hungry even to the point of taking over his father’s throne by force, requiring David and his people to flee for safety. And yet, when Absolam dies, David grieves deeply, as a father does, for the loss of a piece of himself.

Families are complicated and this Sunday we’ll be talking about where God’s love comes into play in the midst of such complexity. See you in the parish hall of UPA this Sunday at 10:00am!


Prelude: “O Mary, Don’t You Weep”   African Am. spiritual  
Meditation:  “God of the Sparrow God of the Whale”   Carl Schalk
Postlude:“Majesty”   Jack Hayford   

Live Stream Information
We are making improvements to our sanctuary sound system and encourage you to worship with us in person. If you are not able to worship with us we continue to stream our services via Facebook and Zoom. If you experience any trouble go to our Facebook page for more information. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly. For zoom login information please reach out to Pastor Cheryl at

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