Renewing our annual financial commitment

This Week at UPA

Renewing our annual financial commitment

Be the church 
This past Sunday we heard from Treasurer, David Stuart who provided an update on UPA’s finances and also from Granville Harris. He told his and Marlyn’s story of how they came to become members at UPA. And what a great story it is, Once again as it is fall and we approach the end of the year – which is also the end of the fiscal year for our church – it is time for our annual pledge campaign when we ask that you consider your financial support for the UPA. As Treasurer for the church, I want to give you some perspective as to what is needed. Click here to read the complete story.

We each have our own story of how we came to UPA for the first time and then decided to stay. There are many varied reasons but in the end we each have stayed because of this powerful, loving faith-based community.

These powerful experiences cause us to make a commitment to UPA. Part of that commitment is financially supporting high quality staff, programs, and our beautiful building (physical and virtual) that UPA provides to all.

This Sunday, November 19th we will hear another testimonial, this time from Stephanie Mesner. It is also Stewardship Sunday when we will be wrapping up these testimonials. We hope that you will attend in person or online to hear from Stephanie.

We ask that you indicate your pledge on or before Monday, November 27th so that the Board of Finance can develop a responsible budget that continues to support the great work of UPA in 2024.

The Stewardship mailing with a letter and pledge card was sent out last week. If you did not receive a pledge card, you can pick up a pledge card in the office or at the entrances to the church on your next visit. To donate online go to

Please give your pledge careful thought. Inflation has been running at above average rates the last two years and we want to be sure that our staff receives appropriate cost of living increases so that they can continue to serve UPA’s needs. – The Board of Finance, Stewardship Committee

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