Practice for the week of November 20: Gratitude Café

This Week at UPA

Practice for the week of November 20: Gratitude Café

From “Seamless Faith” by Traci Smith, p.16-17:Gratitude has been proven to be a value that increases health of all kinds: spiritual, mental, physical. To take a moment and reflect on all of life’s many blessings, even once a week, is a worthwhile endeavor.

How to:

  1. Choose how often the family will hold the gratitude café. Weekly? Monthly? Daily?
  2. On the morning of gratitude café, wake up early, make a special beverage for each family member, and gather someplace together. Outside can be a nice option, depending on space and weather conditions.
  3. Say, “There are so many things for which we can be thankful: the air we breathe, the home we live in, the clothes we wear. Let’s each take a moment and write down some of the things we are thankful for. Let’s try to each write down five things, and then we will share them.” (younger children can draw pictures instead of writing)
  4. After a time of silent writing, say, “Let’s share the things we are thankful for with one another.”
  5. Once everyone has shared, close by saying, “God, we are thankful for all of these blessings, Amen.”

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