November 24 Worship

This Week at UPA

November 24 Worship

Scripture:  John 18:33-37

Message: The One Truth

At his arraignment, Jesus and Pilot have a private conversation that goes quickly from sarcastic to philosophical and bears much staying power even today, 2000 years later. Pilot begins by asking Jesus about whether he is indeed a “king” with the hope of proving him guilty to appease the hollering crowds. Jesus, however, asks Pilot about the concepts of “truth.” In the end they are both wondering, “What is truth?”

Today, we ask the same question. When different media are claiming “facts” that conflict with the facts being stated elsewhere, how can we ever find common ground in the name of truth? Jesus, however, wasn’t talking about a truth that is of this world but one that is of the Divine: a Divine Truth.

This Thanksgiving Sunday we will praise God for this Divine Truth and wonder about how it might be a lens through which we can see all truth.

Additionally, UPA’s Outreach Board is holding their special Thanksgiving offering for the MANNA Foodbank. Their main warehouse was along the river in Asheville NC and had substantial damage. Our donations will help with repair and securing food for others. See below and in the bulletin this Sunday for more information. And don’t forget your checkbooks!

See you Sunday!

Prelude: “Morning has broken”    trad. Gælic melody             
Anthem: “For the beauty of the Earth”  Benedictine plainsong, arr. James Scott
Meditation:  “Offering on ‘Adoro te devoto’ ”  Allen LeVines
Postlude“Nun danket alle Gott – Now thank we all our God”  Johann Crüger, arr. J. S. Bach
Special Music: “If Music be the food of Love”  Henry Purcell  Sung by Casey Wong, soloist

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