November 17th Worship

This Week at UPA

November 17th Worship

Scripture:  Mark 4: 35-39

Message: Peace In The Storm

Last night UPA hosted an event sponsored by NICHE (Newton Interfaith Coalition for Housing Equity) which offered answers to the question so many communities of faith are asking in light of the influx of refugee families to the Boston area that comes in the midst of a national housing crisis: What can we do? How can we help? We had a five person panel including reps from the Brazilian Workers Center, Greater Boston Legal Services, and FamilyAid, as well as an elder from Hartford St. Presbyterian who are housing refugee families in their church building and a member of All Saints Parish of Brookline who has housed a family in her home. Each told their stories, shared what they are seeing as this crisis looms on despite the lack of media coverage, and how we can help. Several weeks ago newly formed coalition of faith based orgs, MINNC (Massachusetts Interfaith New Neighbors Coalition) out of Boston put together a resource document that includes several ways communities of faith can help with this crisis, which we shared. Over 50 representatives from both the city of Newton (including a current city counselor and 2 former counselors) and communities of faith in Newton and surrounding areas attended, all seeking to participate in getting these families off the streets before the cold of a New England winter fully sets in.

I wonder, how can we help? What would it look like for UPA to participate in the work of our surrounding communities? How can we work together with other faith communities to ensure that babies are not sleeping on the streets, have food enough for their growing and developing bodies, and have access to education even as their parents and guardians continue searching for permanent housing? Because with the coming year and changes in federal grant monies and support for current programs, communities of faith are absolutely going to be needed in this and other housing and migrant related issues. How, dear beloved family in Christ, will we participate?

See you Sunday and blessings of mercy,

Prelude: “Præludium in A”   Johann Krieger                 
Anthem: “Serenity”   Charles Ives Chloe Desteno, soloist
Meditation:  “Love is our root”  Rev. Steve Miller
Postlude“Be Still and Know”   Rev. Steve Miller
Special Music: “Living Hope”  Phil Wickham  UPA Rock Band

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