United Parish


June 16th Worship

Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:34 – 16:13 Message: Tough Guise  Blessings and grace to you all.Welcome to Summer! I love the summer. I love the warm- even HOT – weather, beach time (or “Shore” as the Jersey Girls like to say), working in my garden, and dining al fresco at my husband and my

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Chaplains on the Way needs your help

Chaplains on the Way provides spiritual care to our unhoused neighbors along with breakfast and a safe space to nap in Waltham. Currently there’s a need for small pillows with washable covers, gently used yoga mats and light blankets. To donate items or to ask how you can help, contact

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June 9th Worship

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-21, 26-27 Message: Children’s Sunday!!!! Blessings and grace to you all.It’s Children’s Sunday! With 15 years of ordained ministry in my experience I can confidently say that Children’s Sunday is one of if not THE MOST joyful Sunday Worship of the entire year. Sharing our worship and

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June 2nd Worship

Scripture: Romans 12:9-16b Message: Praise God: A Baccalaureate Sermon Blessings and grace to you all.This Sunday we will surround our two graduating seniors in love and joy as we celebrate their incredible accomplishments! What they have accomplished is no small feat and took years of perseverance, courage, confidence, and effort! But also this

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2024 Pride Parade!!!

Boston Pride Parade Saturday Rain or shine!This Saturday June 8, 2024 is the Boston Pride Parade. If you are joining us email Melissa at office@newtonchurch.org so you can be added to the email list to receive up to date information on important event information. On Saturday we will meet at the

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May 26th Worship 

Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:18 and Hosea 11:3-4  Blessings and grace to you all. Today (Wednesday morning) I attended the Mayor’s Community Breakfast at which hundreds of city leaders from non-profit organizations to communities of faith, large corporations to developers, teachers and public servants to union leadership were all in attendance. As the president of

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Chaplains on the Way, UPA’s Transformational Grant recipient, provides spiritual companionship and breakfast for our unhoused neighbors at 50 Church St., Waltham. Will you volunteer to help prepare and serve breakfast? With questions or to volunteer, please be in touch with Elinor Tambourine at (781) 652-1339 or elinor@chaplainsontheway.org or Rebecca Dolloff (339) 213-5705.

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