May 14th Worship

This Week at UPA

May 14th Worship

Lessons:  John 14:15-21              
Message: A New Authority

This Sunday we’re shifting from Jesus’ stories and parables, once again, to the gospel of John.  If you’ve ever studied John you likely know that the “Jesus” he presents is exceptionally reflective and often speaks in poetic metaphor.  This is the case for most of chapter 14 and so, upon first reading, his words of hope and compassion for the disciples sound repetitive and even confusing.  Upon a second or even third reading, however, his love for his followers and hope for the future of the mission begins to shine through like the light of dawn rising on the horizon.  He states that they – and we! – will never be left along upon his forthcoming death, but will be accompanied by an “Advocate” (Gr. Paraclete) throughout our days and even history; that though the world will always struggle to hear the Word of Love, our efforts will be supported, our actions encouraged by the Spirit of the divine.

Join us on Sunday when Matt and I switch roles so he can offer interpretation of the Word and I can share my ministry with our children in Sunday School!

See you then!


Prelude: “Sonata K.466”   Domenico Scarlatti
Meditation: “Sweet Hour of Prayer”  William Bradbury, arr. Lucy Simpson
Postlude: Joyful Spring”  Mel Bonis
Special Music:  “Hold on to Me”  Lauren Daigle Sung by Rachel McVittie

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