July 14th Worship

This Week at UPA

July 14th Worship

Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19
Message: Thin Places

Dear UPA friends,

Peace to you! I have missed being with you the last couple of weeks! This Sunday, I look forward to sharing as we continue the exploration of the life of David that began in mid-June. In the text for this week, David and the people of God are carrying the ark of the covenant to its new home. In this celebratory ritual, the text from 2 Samuel says:

“David and all the house of Israel were dancing before the LORD with all their might, with songs and lyres and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals.”

The ark of the covenant was perhaps the most significant symbol of the divine presence to the Israelite people for centuries. Says the New Interpreter’s Bible, “For tribal Israel, the ark of God was the chief symbol of the Lord’s presence in the midst of Israel.”

This week I wish to reflect with you on what your most significant symbols of God’s presence are? Is it a treasured keepsake? Perhaps it is sacred music that uplifts you, as it did for David and his companions? Perhaps it is a person, or even a place? A thin place is a term originating from Celtic spirituality. In the words of Eric Weiner in his article in the NY Times called “Where Heaven and Earth Come Closer”, “thin places are locales where the distance between heaven and earth collapses and we’re able to catch glimpses of the divine, or the transcendent.”

Come as we reflect together on the thin places, people, practices, and symbols of our life that remind us of the divine presence that is with us always, and in all ways,


Prelude:  “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”  Johann Sebastian Bach         
Meditation: “Ave Maria”   Friedrich Burgmüller
Postlude:  “Sonata”   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart          

Live Stream Information
We are making improvements to our sanctuary sound system and encourage you to worship with us in person. If you are not able to worship with us we continue to stream our services via Facebook and Zoom. If you experience any trouble go to our Facebook page for more information. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly. For Zoom login information please reach out to Pastor Cheryl at cheryl@newtonchurch.org

Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
Facebook Livestream Link: https://www.facebook.com/upanewtonma/live

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