January 12th Worship

This Week at UPA

January 12th Worship

Message: Holy Water Holy Spirit             

Scriptures: Acts 8:14-17, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

This Sunday we will celebrate the baptism of Jesus. Baptism, as we practice it here at UPA, is the affirmation of our commitment to faithfulness in the power of love to bring about justice. And, like Jesus, we baptize with water which has historically been used in rituals of cleansings and renewal. Which has me asking, if life has us in and out of complete confidence in faith and seriously questioning it, why do we only baptize once? What is the purpose of baptism as we grow into our faith over the course of our lives? And how does this one time covenant inform our work for justice today?

I’m looking forward to thinking about this together this Sunday!
See you then!

Prelude:  “Song 67”   Orlando Gibbons                                         
Anthem: “Gentle Joseph, Gentle Mild” 15th c. German carol
Meditation:  “Song One” Orlando Gibbons 
Postlude: “Von Himmel hoch, da komm ich her – Martin Luther; arr. Philipp Nicolai              
                 From Heaven on high, come I to earth

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