February 23rd Worship

This Week at UPA

February 23rd Worship

Scripture:    Luke 9:28-36
Message:  Sacred Space

This Sunday is our last before we enter into our sacred season of Lent which begins with Ash Wednesday, on March 5th. Speaking of… you do NOT want to miss our Ash Wednesday Service as 6 Newton protestant churches will be joining together in reflection, music, prayer and hope. There will be a choir singing 2 anthems so if you’d like to join let me know or just show up at 6:00pm (an hour before the service!) We are holding it at The Eliot Church in Newton on March 5, 2025 at 7:00pm. Mark you calendars so you don’t miss this very special and blessed way of entering into the season.

Back to this Sunday! It is Transfiguration Sunday which tells the story of Jesus and a few of his disciples going up onto the mountain only to experience the “transfiguration” of Jesus and his coupling with the spirits of Moses and Elijah, arguably the two greatest prophets of the Hebrew people. And we’ll talk about what it’s like to meet Jesus and be transformed by the experience or maybe we just talk about being transformed by faith.

See you Sunday!

Prelude: “Fugue II:6 in G Minor”  Johann Pachelbel  
Anthem: “Time Now to Gather”  John Horman
Meditation: “Yisu ne Kaha – Jesus is Bread”  trad. Urdu melody
Postlude: “Brother James Air”  James Bain  

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