December 8th Worship

This Week at UPA

December 8th Worship

Scripture: Luke 1:46b-55

Message: God With Us

This Sunday is our second Sunday of the Advent season and I have handpicked Mary’s song of praise and prophecy as scripture. Maybe, like me, you’ve always read this piece as an ode to a baby boy from a first time mom who can’t imagine anything more miraculous than this human she is making inside of her own body. These words, however, are words of hope not just for Mary and her blessed family but for the world. They are a reminder of how God’s love is indeed powerful enough to right global wrongs and bring equity among God’s creation. And they cite proof from the very beginning of the Divine and human relationship.

If there’s one thing we could use going into this new political and cultural year it is hope for the seemingly impossible AND evidence of this love’s perfect truth shining through culture’s cacophony of judgment. Join me on Sunday as we hear Mary’s words encouraging us today of God’s love and hope for equity!

ALSO, though, come this Sunday for the Brunch! Community board has been very busy planning our Advent Brunch that will be this Sunday after worship. You won’t want to miss this. The food and company are a blessing in the midst of this busy season.

See you Sunday!

Prelude: “Une Jeune Pucelle – The Young Maiden”   French-Canadian folk melody
Anthem: “Star in the Sky”  Chugoro Torii
Meditation: “Prelude on the Fifth Tone”  Gilles Jullien 
Postlude: “Fugue in G”  Friedrich Zachau     

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