Children and Youth

Children and Youth

Dear friends,
I am really excited to join the staff at United Parish of Auburndale as the new Minister of Faith Formation.  What a beautiful opportunity to work on spirituality opportunities for all ages in the church, especially your children and youth! Cheryl and I both went to seminary together, and (many years ago) served at a church together, so I’m excited we get to work together with such awesome youth. Thank you for the very warm and hospitable welcome you’ve given me during these first two weeks at UPA!

Here’s what’s happening this Sunday February 12:
Pei and I will be teaching a lesson during church for Grades 6 and under about Desmond Tutu, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

After the church, the UPA Youth Group (Grades 7-12) will be meeting in the youth room from 11:30am to 12:30pm. Please rsvp for the youth group gathering by the end of day Thursday, February 9th so we can know how many people to buy pizza for. Here is the link to rsvp:

Among other things this Sunday (like eating pizza!) we’ll talk about ideas for future youth group events. 
Peace and thanks all!

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