Betty Meyer Gallery

Betty Meyer Gallery

Maria Termini: Earthly Visions of Color and Joy
July 2 to August 30, 2023

Come and enjoy this exhibit of the uplifting art of Maria Termini which includes serigraphs, collages and acrylics. Her new work includes creation art inspired by ancient rock art and also painted music inspired by her experience of diverse musical forms.

Maria Termini is an artist, musician, and author. Adventure, beauty, rich images, music, and a search for justice are the threads woven into the rich tapestry that is her life. Please visit to learn more.

The gallery hours are as follows:
9:00am to 3:00pm on Mondays thru Wednesdays and after hours by appointment
9:00am to 1:00pm on Thursdays and Fridays and after hours by appointment
Saturdays by appointment, Sundays 11:30am to 1:00pm and by appointment
Please call 617-964-8516 to make an appointment..

For more information or directions by public transit, contact Maria Termini,, 617-553-2762.

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