Betty Meyer Art Gallery

Betty Meyer Art Gallery

Spun Sugar from Bare Branches

In the collaborative assemblage “A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down” artists Yasmin Dalton and Stephanie Maria have created a vignette speaking of the complexity and chaos of family life, the want of order, and the searing love of it all.

Spun Sugar from Bare Branches is a collection of painting, mixed media, photography and collage. The underlying theme of their work express the bittersweet existence of love, crisis and beauty.

As a poetic observer of beauty, Yasmin addresses exquisite moments in mundane corners of home and forests, capturing the unexpected, as well as addressing the value of what humans produce in ones’ doing life, regardless of being compensated.

Stephanie’s paintings and platters juxtapose opposing imagery of delicate floral-patterned dinnerware and fiery water, sinking ponds, and firearms to act as metaphors for the yearning for something lost or unattainable, and the reality of our wildly imperfect and beautiful world.

Yasmin Dalton, is mom, poet, visual artist, photographer, book artist, gardener, volunteer farmer, bread maker and active participant in our church. Contact: 312 502-8540

Stephanie Maria, aka Mesner, is an artist and co-owner of Arteriors. Please visit to see more of her artwork. Contact: 774 270-0058

The gallery hours are as follows:

12:00pm to 3:00pm on Mondays

9:00am to 3:00pm Tuesday thru Fridays and after hours by appointment

Saturdays by appointment, Sundays 11:30am to 1:00pm and by appointment

Please call 617-964-8516 to make an appointment.

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