Building Use

Thank you for your interest in reserving space at the United Parish of Auburndale!  We are proud to support neighborhood needs by offering space for prayer and reflection, community meetings and events, weddings, showers, funerals, and birthdays. 


Applicants will be asked to agree to the following rules:

Use church space safely:  Children must be supervised by adults at all times.  No smoking will be allowed inside the building.  No open flames will be used without express permission.  If alcohol is approved in writing by the Property Board, and is offered, it will not be shared with minors nor will it include hard liquors.   Unlocked doors and windows will be monitored and returned to closed, locked positions after event ends.

Be good stewards of the building:  All communication regarding scheduling and donations goes through the church office.  Our office manager serves as an event coordination liaison.  For most events, a church janitor is paid at least $125 to clean and sanitize afterwards.  UPA members are asked to offer a donation of at least this amount to off-set overhead and custodial costs.  Those who are not affiliated with The United Parish are expected to offer an additonal donation determined by the Property Board once the Board reviews and approves this application.   No deposit is necessary, and donations are requested no later than five business days following the event.

Use church respectfully:  The United Parish is a house of prayer and as such maintains high ethical standards in the community.  No sacred objects such as crosses or brass candles belonging to UPA may be used for event functions.  The church does not discriminate on basis of race, gender, political opinion, sexual or gender identity, and we expect that building users will honor these standards as well.  Publicity for the event must include the full name of the church, “The United Parish of Auburndale.”  Building must be returned to condition in which it was found for event— tables, chairs, and equipment put away.  All lights should be turned-off, and all non-programmable thermostats should be reset to 60 degrees during winter months. Sinks must be free of debris, trash must be removed and placed in dumpsters in the back, outside the church, etc.   Additional cleaning fees will be billed if mess is excessive.

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