United Parish

August 25th Worship

This Week at UPA

August 25th Worship

Scripture:  1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11), 22-30, 41-43
Message:  A Limitless God

I think it’s hard to imagine a limitless God. I preach of a limitless God and the idea of some entity or energy that is omniscient and omnipotent and eternal is wonderful in this finite life. But when it comes down to understanding what all of this means for us, for our relationship with God and our relationship with one another can be mind blowing. And so we build our churches and display our crosses and focus ourselves on the the tangible with the hope of it being enough to stir the spirit.

This Sunday we’ll read about the dedication of Solomon’s temple and the placing of the Arc of the Covenant within this space. It is all a bunch of very tangible faith practices and yet Solomon recognizes the that there is much more to it – our infinite connection with God extends well beyond the walls of the holiest places.

AND ALSO… Don’t know if you heard but UPA IS HAVING A DRAG SHOW AND YOU’RE INVITED!!  Click here to buy tickets (for a VERY REASONABLE price) and for more information. This is a fundraiser for BAGLY.org which is an amazing organization that supports local LGBTQ+ youth and one the UPA has supported for years now. Because of the current national and local climate of hate for the LGBTQ community and because of the very recent acts of vandalism and violence against members of this community and groups who support them, I am asking EVERYONE to SHOW UP. Please. Buy tickets. Advertise on your social media page. Invite your friends. SHOW UP. This community needs to know we care.

See you Sunday!

Prelude: “Halad – Dedication”   Elena Maquiso                                  
Meditation:  “Beginnings”  Carlton Young
Postlude:  “La Palabra del Señor es Recta – The Word of God is Just”      Juan Luis Garcia

Live Stream Information
Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
Facebook Livestream Link: https://www.facebook.com/upanewtonma/live

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