Worship October 29th

This Week at UPA

Worship October 29th

Scripture:  Matthew 22:34-46
Lesson:  Love in Theory

Whhhhyyyy is it so hard to love our neighbor as we love ourselves? I mean, in theory, we know that this is the right thing to do. And in theory we can say (I say this all the time!) that we love the divine being that one was created to be but we definitely do NOT love what they are DOING right now! But what does it actually look like to love those who are so very different from ourselves – including different values, priorities, and dreams? And what does loving our God with all of our being have to do with loving our neighbor?

And, whhhhyyyy is this so vital to our faith that Jesus would name it as the MOST IMPORTANT part of the law? In the midst of a world that is at war with its neighbors and culture that insists we have a confident opinion on all of it (that more often than not insists on a winner and a loser) how can such a commandment affect us? Affect the world?

Looking forward to thinking all of this through with you on Sunday.

See you then!


Prelude:  “Anointed”   Betty Pulkingham 
Anthem:   “Kyrie eleison – Lord, have mercy”    9th c. Gallican hymn
Meditation:  “Fughetta in G”   Gottlieb Muffat   
Postlude:  “God of All”  Gustav Holst    

Live Stream Information
We will continue streaming our worship on both Zoom and Facebook Live. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly. For zoom login information please reach out to Pastor Cheryl at cheryl@newtonchurch.org.

Note: that we continue to work on streaming as we make improvements to the sanctuary sound system. 

Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
Facebook Livestream Link: https://www.facebook.com/upanewtonma/live

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