Worship June 4th

This Week at UPA

Worship June 4th

Sunday Worship

Lessons:   Matthew 28:16-20
Message: Senior Sermons!

At United Parish of Auburndale we have this wonderful tradition that celebrates our graduating High School seniors. Called Senior Sermons, our HS seniors are invited to offer a “sermon” or reflection on their experience growing up (or being a part of) the UPA. In past years these young adults have expressed gratitude for past Christian Education Directors, musical opportunities, mentorship, intergenerational relationships, opportunities to learn about and advocate for marginalized communities, and so much more.

Additionally, however, Senior sermons have been an opportunity for us to thank them.  Because we at UPA believe in the blessings and gifts of every person (of every age), parishioners get to appreciate all that these amazing young people have offered the church, participating fully in its growth and sharing of divine grace with the greater Newton Community. Senior sermons are a testimony of faith and real gift to both them and us!  Please be sure to join us on Sunday to celebrate, David, Cassie, and Griffin!

See you Sunday!


Prelude: “Air in E-flat”   J. S. Bach
Anthem: “The Morning Trumpet”    The Sacred Harp, 1844 
Meditation:   “Andante in E-flat”     W. A. Mozart                               
Postlude:  “Voluntary in D”   John Stanley  

Live Stream Information

We will continue streaming our worship on both Zoom and Facebook Live. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly. For Zoom login information please contact Cheryl at Cheryl@newtonchurch.org.

Note: that we continue to work on streaming as we make improvements to the sanctuary sound system. 

Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
Facebook Livestream Link: https://www.facebook.com/upanewtonma/live

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