Volunteer with Chaplains on the Way

Volunteer with Chaplains on the Way

UPA’s Outreach is working with Chaplains on the Way, which is now offering a winter breakfast program for the unhoused in Waltham every weekday.

Can you volunteer at the breakfast or donate food? The breakfast is M – F at First Parish in Waltham (50 Church Street) from 7:30-10:30 am. Donations of breakfast casseroles, ground coffee, or other breakfast items (eggs, oatmeal, english muffins, bagels, etc.) can be dropped off either at First Parish (M-F, 7:30-10:30 am) or with Bill Hoch (bill.hoch@hotmail.com or 617-259-0576). COTW can also use donations of grocery store gift cards. Questions? Please contact Jill Gaulding (jill@chaplainsontheway.org or 651-757-5268) or Bil

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