Sunday May 22nd Worship

This Week at UPA

Sunday May 22nd Worship

Lesson: Mark 4:26-34
Message: Growth In Impossible Measure

Hello Friends,

This Sunday we celebrate one of the most celebration-worthy events of our calendar year AND our work in faith. This Sunday, five of our young people will confirm their baptism into personal commitment to the Christ and full membership in the church that is both the universal church of Jesus Christ and the United Parish of Auburndale.

I love walking through this program with young people because they ask the questions and make the statements that we adults will too often dismiss or ignore, though we share in their wonder. Questions like, “Why God?” and “What’s the point of church?” are the very questions we forget though each sits just under the surface of our harried volunteerism and caretaking.

Please make it a priority to join us at worship this Sunday to celebrate and affirm the efforts and commitments of our youth. You may just find yourself confirming the faith you committed to long ago, reclaiming and naming the foundation of life that is and always has been hope in God’s creation through justice, love, and peace.

PS… After worship this Sunday we will be taking a picture of the congregation in front of the church for the new website! Pray for sunshine!

See you Sunday!

Also, mark your calendars:

May 22nd: Confirmation Sunday! Please come to worship and celebrate with these hard working and thoughtful youth as they claim this faith as their own.

June 5th, Jun 12th: Senior Sermons! Be inspired by the faith journeys of our High School seniors as they share their stories of faith and family through the UPA.

June 12th: Children’s Sunday! Let’s celebrate our “Littles” and their faith journeys! CAKE!

June 19th: Juneteen worship and our last service in the sanctuary (before we move to the Parish Hall for the summer). ICE CREAM AT COFFEE HOUR!


Prelude: “тихе місце • Quiet Place” Dmytro Bortnianskyi
Anthem: “My Tribute” Andraé Crouch Sung by Suzanne Parker – soprano
Meditation: “Come Sunday” Duke Ellington Sung by Suzanne Parker – soprano
Postlude: “Dance in A”

Live Stream Information

We will continue streaming our worship on both Zoom and Facebook Live. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly.

Note: that we continue to work on streaming as we make improvements to the sanctuary sound system.

Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
Meeting ID: 813 3492 9545
Passcode: 224871
Call in: 929-205-6099

Facebook Livestream Link:

Children & Youth

This week is Confirmation Sunday. Our 8th-9th grade youth have been meeting biweekly since the fall to learn about and discuss the Christian tradition and explore their faith. They are now prepared to confirm their baptism into the church. Please join us this Sunday during our 10am worship to celebrate this joyous occasion!

Save the Date: Children & Youth Sunday is June 12. Parents, please have your children attend service the next few Sundays to get and learn roles for the June 12 service. Let Rachel know if you will be attending. Thank you!

Special Outreach Opportunity: Our youth are spearheading a collection drive of hygiene products for Hope & Comfort in June. Wish list items can be found here:

Upcoming Events


June 12, 10am – Children and Youth Sunday

May 22, 9:45am – Confirmation Sunday arrival time

May 22 – Youth Group
June 5 – Youth Group
June 12 – Children and Youth Sunday, Rock Band performance
June 18 (Sat) – End of Year Amusement Park Trip — email to sign up or for more info

Senior Sermons
June 5
June 12

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