Stewardship Sunday 11/13

This Week at UPA

Stewardship Sunday 11/13

This Sunday November 13th is Stewardship Sunday. This year’s theme is, “Be The Church”. What are our DREAMS for this church and what do we imagine the world needs from us?  What do we imagine Auburndale needs from us?  How ought we serve from this new place of light, made brighter by such a long time in darkness?

Join us Sunday when we will hear from Beverly will share the core mission to work in various ways on issues important to the GLBTQ+ and allied communities.

Consider the important part that the church plays in your life and in the community. Join me and your friends in maintaining the framework of UPA through financial support of this great community. Last week pledge cards were mailed out. If you have not already sent in your pledge card, bring them with you on Sunday. 

Others Ways to Give

  • giving online at   
  •  via text by texting UPA (in all caps) to 73256
  •  bank transfers (forms can be found at the front or back of the Sanctuary or by calling the office for a form)
  • mailing a check 

Doug Cornelius 

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