September 25th Worship

This Week at UPA

September 25th Worship

Lessons:  Luke 16:19-31
Message: Beyond Alms

This week’s gospel tells the story of Lazarus, who was lying outside the gate of a rich man’s palatial home, in desperate need of food, clothing and acute medical care. It is a story familiar to a number of us, with the message that those who have more should give to those who have less. There are numerous similar examples throughout scripture. But, is there an additional message that is being conveyed? Perhaps we are called to move beyond simply providing alms and move to providing arms. I look forward to exploring this with you on Sunday,  

Prelude: “Prelude in B minor”     Alexander Morovsky 
Anthem:  “Creating God” Thomas Tallis
Meditation:  “Impressions  intimas II”   Frederic Mompou
Postlude: “Waltz”  Frédéric Chopin 

Children & Youth

Welcome back to our first Sunday school of fall 2022. This week in class we will learn about how to share with people and remembering Lord’s Prayer. They have been given homework (to share with someone in their daily life this week) please remind them to do their part to share with others or hopefully you have seen it already.

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