September 18th

This Week at UPA

September 18th

Lessons:  Luke 16:1-13

Message: God’s Economy

We were talking a bit this past Sunday about how the church is not our building or the national/international institution but rather the gathered people. WE are the church when and where ever two or more are gathered! At UPA we are in an intentional community that gathers (at least) once a week to worship the Divine that is our connector; our source; our hope for a love driven world. And so, as a gathered community, everyone of us is encouraged to participate in the life of the community in big and/or small ways. You can greet folks as they enter the sanctuary for worship or participate in worship by helping me lead (the liturgist). You can assist with our streaming technology or help Pei teach the children faith formation. You can join one of our committees or boards or sign up to host an after-church coffee hour. Because, in the gathered community it’s not, WILL you participate but how would you like to! So think this over and let us know either here in the office or on Sunday.

SPEAKING OF SUNDAY… our scripture out of Luke is a bit perplexing mostly because the parable comes out of a cultural context that is mostly foreign to us today. Or is it? On Sunday we’ll explore the tension between wealth fueled power and power that can come through relationships. We’ll consider present day examples of both and wonder which holds us in our lives and our life as a church community.  Really looking forward to sharing some thoughts on this one!

See you Sunday!

Prelude: “Chorale Prelude in F”     Friedrich Zachau
Anthem:  “Praise Thou the Lord”   J. S. Bach
Meditation: “Jesu meine Freude”  Johann Walther           
Postlude: “Toccata on Tallis’ Third Mode Melody”   Allen LeVines

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