PumpkinFest 10/27/24!!!
- Congratulations to Kristin McGovern who went home with a festive Halloween mug for her correct answer of $36,000* for the total profits from the 2023 Patch! PP trivia questions with prizes through 10/27/24. You must be present in church to win!
- The pumpkins arrive on Sunday, 10/6 after church so come dressed for unloading!
- The SignUp Genius is open for business! If you didn’t get a QR code on Sunday, here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D49A4A62DABF5C16-51362870-pumpkin#/
- We have 75 shifts to staff, so sign up soon and sign up often!!!
- This year we will have 6 baskets to raffle off during PumpkinFest so mark 10/27/24 on your calendars!! And buy lots of raffle tickets!
- The candy corn-filled skull guessing game is also returning!
*Actual total profits: $36,500