October 9th Worship

This Week at UPA

October 9th Worship

Lessons: Luke 17:11-19

Message: The Space Between

I did indeed just spend 10 minutes of an already busy day searching through cabinets and closets looking for the Pastor’s Pumpkin Outfit because… THE PUMPKINS ARE ON THEIR WAY! I KNOW you will ALL be here at 9(ish) to eat donuts, drink coffee, and unload the pumpkins. This is one of the most fun events of our year so I look forward to seeing you all then!

Additionally (and not at all pumpkin related) just a reminder that I will be traveling from Monday, Oct. 10th – Thursday, Oct. 20th on pilgrimage (continuing education) in Assisi, Italy studying the life and ministry of both St. Francis and St. Clare. If I can connect to a decent wifi I hope to post regular pictures and thoughts each day to our UPA facebook page! In my stead, our own, Rev. Linda Wood-Boyle will be at the preaching helm and covering for any pastoral care emergencies. Please call the church office at any time to be connected with her.

This Sunday’s scripture considers the relationship between our faith and our gratitude through a thoughtful short story around Jesus’ healing of 10 lepers. It’s a “feel good” reminder that we could ALL use in the midst of an exceptionally busy autumn season.

See you on Sunday!

Prelude:  “Prelude in G”   John Stanley
Anthem:  “The Lord is Blessing Me Right Now”   Gospel song, arr. Nolon Williams
Meditation: “Prelude in E-flat”    Johann Pachelbel  
Postlude: “Voluntary in G”   John Stanley

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