Lessons: Luke 18:9-14
Message: Humility – a True Definition
I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday because I’VE MISSED YOU!
This Sunday we’ll be reading Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the Tax-Collector in which both present themselves before God in very different ways. It is a lesson on humility, what it looks like and, maybe even more clearly, what it doesn’t necessarily look like. While this is a comparably simple lesson of which to make sense, it will challenge us to take a look at how we, and the world have defined humility as self-deprecating. Indeed, women, people of color (particularly those whose ancestors were enslaved), folks with disabilities, youth, and other human communities who historically have lacked privilege have been oppressed by this worldly redefining. Jesus intends a different perspective that allows for humility while retaining dignity. I can’t wait to explore this perspective with you all on Sunday!
See you then!
Prelude: Autumn Sketch William Gillock
Anthem: “I Will Arise” Walker’s Southern Harmony, 1835
Meditation: Nocturne Paul Sheftel
Postlude: Nocturne Frédéric Chopin