Help prepare meals for Bristol Lodge

Help prepare meals for Bristol Lodge

The Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen has been serving nutritious meals to those in need for the last four decades. Pre COVID, every evening, dedicated volunteers from throughout the Metro Boston area gathered to prepare and serve food to up to 100 community members without access to affordable and healthy food.  

COVID caused Bristol Lodge to turn to TAKEOUT meals, which continued to be prepared by the organizations who had previously prepared and served. At this time, it appears that TAKEOUT meals will continue for the unforeseeable future.

For the past 25+years, the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen has been, and continues to be, an important part of its Outreach program. On the 3rd Wednesday of every month, a meal is prepared and delivered to the soup kitchen for 60+ people. Volunteers meet in the downstairs kitchen at 1:30 on that day. All is ready to be delivered within an hour. COME JOIN US.

Upcoming opportunity:
June 21st
July 19th
August 16th
September 20th

For more information contact: Toni Miller ( or Sherwood Norton (

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