December 3rd Worship

This Week at UPA

December 3rd Worship

Help us Celebrate Ron’s retirement following worship.
After worship join us in the Parish Hall for an Advent Lunch and a Celebration for Ron who after 30 years of with UPA has retired. There is still time to contribute to a gift for Ron click here 

Scripture:  Mark 13:24-37

Lesson:  Keep Alert

And just like that we have entered Advent!

While much of the Christian religious and cultural world celebrates the weeks before Advent as a time for preparation, religious Christians’ preparation is for something bigger than the gift-giving holiday of Santa Claus.  We prepare for the birth of hope that is peace across all of God’s creation.  I cannot think of a better year to be making provisions for peace.  Not only is this country currently involved in two international wars, but we are also deeply divided among ourselves causing us to judge even our neighbors for their loyalties and allegiances.  Hate crimes are up and it often feels like kindness is hard to come by.  How, in the midst of all that currently is, can this weary world possibly rejoice?

Such is the theme of UPA’s advent season.  We will enter into it from the place that we are:  fearful, frustrated, and even a bit hopeless.  And from this place we will light the candles of hope, peace, joy, and love.  And with this light we will seek Jesus, our Prince of Peace. For…

“A thrill of hope- the weary world rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!”

This Sunday our Minister of Faith Formation, Matt Carriker, will be preaching AND we have a very special anthem planned for worship that includes a sextet of UPA’s ordained clergy and so I’ll look forward to seeing you all then!


This week UPA prays for..
…the 3 young men of Palestinian origin who were shot in Burlington, Vt and their families.
….Its with a very heavy heart to share with passing of Arthur, the father, of Melissa L. Our thoughts and prayers are with Melissa and her family.

Prelude:  “Aria in G”    G. F. Handel
Anthem: “Ding Dong Merrily on High”  The Shepherds Six    ancient French carol   
Meditation:“What Child is This”     old English carol  
Postlude: “Sonatine in G”       G. F. Handel    

Live Stream Information
We are making improvements to our sanctuary sound system and encourage you to worship with us in person. If you are not able to worship with us we continue to stream our services via Facebook and Zoom. If you experience any trouble go to our Facebook page for more information. Please share these links with your friends. Bear in mind that we cannot share the Zoom links publicly (to keep from being Zoom bombed), so please share it person to person rather than posting it on Facebook/Twitter, or other public social media. It’s fine to share the Facebook link broadly and publicly. For Zoom login information please reach out to Pastor Cheryl at

Zoom Link: UPA Sunday Morning Worship
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