Be the church – Renewing our annual financial commitment

This Week at UPA

Be the church – Renewing our annual financial commitment

We have so much to celebrate this fall as we think about our church, our community and our missions. We have new staff, have started new programs, and have some new members, too, this year. The Pumpkin Patch has been a wonderful community experience (and fundraiser, too). Many of us also participate in mission work, including the Boston Area Gleaners, Chaplains on the Way, or monthly meal making for Bristol Lodge. And now its time to renew our financial commitment to ensure that all of these good things continue and grow in 2024.

The church does not just “happen” magically. It happens because of the commitment of members and friends like you who support the work of UPA.

This Sunday, November 5th marks the beginning of our fall Stewardship season. For about four weeks you’ll hear about what UPA means to a few select members and why they support UPA. You’ll also learn a little more about your neighbor in the pew or perhaps from someone new, too.

Shortly you’ll be receiving a letter and pledge card in the mail. Please give your pledge careful thought. Inflation has been running at above average rates the last two years and we want to be sure that our staff receives appropriate cost of living increases so that they can continue to serve UPA’s needs.

Stewardship Sunday is November 19th. We hope you join us in person or online in these next few weeks as we reflect on what UPA means to each of us and make our annual financial commitment for another great year at UPA. –The Board of Finance, Stewardship Committee

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