August 14th

This Week at UPA

August 14th

Lesson:  Hebrews 11:29-12:2, Luke 12:49-56

Message: Why Tell the Stories?

Last week we were blessed by the Rev. Dr. J Mary Luti’s thoughts on the importance and meaning of communion. Reminded us that the ritual of communion and the retelling of the story of our gathering for the feast can serve as reminders of the faithful resistance and resilience of our ancestors in the name of justice.  

This week we have two scriptures that reiterate this lesson while also noting that we ought not expect the peace we proclaim and hope for instantly. Indeed Jesus warns his followers on several occasions (as does Paul later on and the prophets who came before) that our message of peace and justice will not be received with acceptance and humility. Never did and never will. Still, though, we persevere through faith. Still we tell the story. Still we believe.

Join us on Sunday as we re-member our stories of resistance, reconciliation, and resilience.  

See you Sunday!



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