All Ages Faith Formation

This Week at UPA

All Ages Faith Formation

There are a lot of exciting things happening in the next couple weeks! Since I will be leading music and prayers in the service this Sunday 3/19, Pei will be leading Sunday school on Psalm 23 on the story of Lazarus. Last Sunday, the UPA Youth Group had a very successful service trip to NuDay Syria.  

I welcome you tomorrow night (3/23) to the first gathering in our “Engaging Christian Contemplative Practices” series at 7pm. UPA was excited for me in our initial interviews to share about the contemplative dimension of faith, so that we can live as “Contemplatives in Action.” I hope you can join to live into the contemplative dimension of our faith together. You are welcome to join in person or via Zoom. For Zoom information please reach out to Matt at

For those interested in the West Virginia work camp June 17-24, 2023 (or attending work camp in June 2024), there is an informational session this Sunday directly after church (at 11:30am in the Youth Room). The motto of the work camp is “Love Works!” Minimum age to attend by yourself is 14. Youth age 13 can attend if their parent goes along (with parent placed at their work site). College-age also welcome, and adult volunteers. Learn about this week of service, faith formation, and community building.

WV Work Camp Info Session: Sunday, March 26th at 11:30am at United Parish in Auburndale Youth Room

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